Well thank you for your kindness and your candor. Our experiences are obviously different. Most pastors I know and hang with do not indoctrinate and the followers are given the freedom to question or even resist. This is what true freedom is. The truth sets people free. We don’t control people or make them follow. We teach and are willing to ask answer questions, be accountable and give people the liberty to choose their beliefs.
This is why the Holy Spirit is the teacher of Christ followers. Obviously we believe differently. I agree the church is not and never has been a building. The scripture is clear about the clergy. Many in the scriptures were tent-makers and bi-vocational. The scripture is also clear that the workman is worthy to be paid from their labor.
True ministers do not work for a check. They work their calling and they are not for sale to please. If they are not authentic, they will work for their belly and themselves.
Thanks for the comments.